Friday, October 29, 2010

Green Ideas for a small Planet

The television series Big Ideas for a Small Planet is all about different small movements that people around the United States are doing that could have a big impact on the planet. All of the ideas are interesting, and if put into practice could create positive benefits for the planet.
Get informed, and get down!!

Junks or treasures ?

Just finished a trip to Istanbul and Paris, lots to looked at, and interestingly inspiring too. Both places are characteristic, and i saw a lot of examples with what and how they do with the new and old stuff in life. How they introduce the new things, but incorporated the old elements and used and kind of reinvented a new and stylish things full of characters, creativity, and the precious marks of  living is well preserved. Which got me thinking, in a way it is like moving on but also recognizing, and respecting the idea of  "Without the past, there will not be future."

If every time when I look at the things around me, and has the same kind of thinking, cherishing the has been and have been, then I will not need to have create so much waste. just if  I would think about it, before tossing, or even buying, my life will be getting more characteristic and creative also. Sometimes a simple act of add or subtract, can get surprisingly fresh idea to used items and created a whole new life to it, or even created my own trends.
May be this is what its all about, not having all the new trendy stuff that looks like a clone, but reinventing with a certain amount of  respect and restrain, this is how we should be, as a global citizen, respect the mother earth, respect what has been provided, then the restrain is really nothing, as we would understand the importance of such measure.