Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Great Idea that sell it-self

“Emergency Bra” Doubles as a Gas Mask When Disaster Strikes

could this be a good Christmas Present... Hee hee!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Show & Tell

Read Jorge Parra's report on the New York Fashion week green show, and totally agreed with him on the note about Green Fashion still has a long way to go. For sure the attempts of all the designers are a great start, but the whole idea of being green must start from the bottom, from the way how we do and organize everything, and the state of mind, and must implement to the tiniest details. That means everyone and everything involved.
Otherwise, the green ideas will be reduced to just another fashion show & wishful thinking.
More Photos from Parra's page

Collect & Create

If you are a crafty person like my sister, you might like to go to craft store a lot too... it is good to have somewhere to go look for materials when you've got a project in mind that you want to do...and craft stores can provide for the needs of the many crafty ladies, with a collections of great looking but cheap little components for their creative edge.
I'm my sister's shopping buddy... we goes everywhere together, and I often find myself drawn to those tiny little things that shows a vintage style, and touched my nostalgia side too. Sometimes I would still be temped to buy...and think that maybe I'll start a project myself. But when I saw Alex's blog the other day, she actually do the kind of art that I find interesting, and most of all, instead of buying the material from craft store, she reuse or repurpos old books pages to form new craft material....and that has start me thinking and planning on the album I would like to create for my up coming trip to Istanbul and Paris.
On the case of scrapbook album...I should be looking for a list of thing I can gather while I'm on the trip
Such as:
Old post card, stemps, old pictures, or any free leaflets with old images related to the place, maps, soda or beer bottle caps, stylish product's lables, newspaper, train or transit tickets...or simply anything I can spot that can spark memories of the trip, and can fit into my pocket.
This could be a way to reuse and re-purpose, fulfill my creative needs without making more rubbish....I'll post the progress as the project goes...and may be someone out there has more idea on this too? Yeh...let me know.
Happy collecting!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Revamp!!

"Revamp" has  always been a constant theme in my life...
Back in the days when I used to be in advertising productions, it means..." to do it again!!"
I was born in the 70s, the after effects of the hippies and the counter culture was still evidence enough to have affected my tiny present....bell bottoms, long hairs, platform shoes....and the loosen up enjoy your life kind of attitude was matching up great with the colorful 70s funk & disco scenes. All my auntie and uncles were having parties all the time....and the whole house would do some dancing (including the hustle)  before and after was great.
Then came the 80s when the Glams and Camps rules.....and I was busy trying to look as delicious as Duran Duran, or Boy George and be crazy and cool.
But soon as the 90s arrived....everything is moving in such a rapid speed, and the internet has changed and reshaped everything from the way we live to the way we interact with each others. it became so much more than just style or is also about the adaptations of new ideas in a rapidly reinventing and redefining  new world. The new rules are no rules... needn't to wait in line anymore, everyone can speak, can equally voices their opinions. Yes, at first to me,  it seem to be chaotic, in the way it still is.... but within this massive volume of talks and explosions of ideas..and a new sense of communities. I'm excited for what's happening.. for all the developments of sharing, and helping, and a sense of new consciousness this has brought to me....I like to think it is like a growing season...when all things spring into life, and thrives.
"Revamp" to me has  totally new meanings, to be able to recreate, reinvent, and restructure life with new ideas, new attitudes, full of hopes and possibility.
"Revamp" is my place to share what I have learn from the others, and share ideas that has help me navigated between the genuinely truly helpful ideas of how we can live a good life responsibly rather then just another commercial attempts. Cheers!