Monday, February 14, 2011

Are You Missing out all the Fun?

If there is something bordering you and you really want to do something about it, well! there is no better time to start !! Especially with all the new technology at hands, your can Facebook, twitter, make videos, or build a website, start a blog etc. With the support of all your friends and fans , you might just be the one who push it through and start changing the landscape around you.
And if you need some help or inspirations on how to do it and do it well,  there are plenty of resources on the internet.
One of the place I have found answers to all the questions in my head, is havefundogood.blogspot. Run by fellow Californian Britt Bravo. A blog coach, and creative career guide who determine to help fellow blogger to find success on having fun while doing good to the world. In her blog, she listed some important tips for being a good blogger, On how to use social media, and introduce lots of wonderful bloggers from around the world. There are videos, and Podcast for download, and if you are interested to get more details or one on one training, she also run seminar and classes.
 Go and take a look today! Let's Play!

新一年"revamplife 生命再做網除了繼續提供綠色資訊外,將每月為你介紹,世界各地有心做好事的運動推動人,包括他們的理想,如何實現及推動他們的工作及工作小貼士等,敬請留意。本月介紹 如何享受做好事的樂趣 (Posted on Weibo)
是 一個部落格的網址, 職業輔導專家"碧爾.博科"專注教導有志願人士如何將心中的意向變成事實。憑借現今人人可用上的社交網絡及工具,推行運動要比過去容易得多,人同人之間的交流訊速,令有志者會聚合作更無間,關于如何有效地運用各種工具,便是
她的部落格滿是實用的主意與提示,例如寫部落格的手法, 創作技考,又推介眾多值得參考的博友,網上還提供播客Podcast,讓有志推動理想事業的朋友獲益不少。 你心中有沒有一些熾热的夢想,你想改變世界嗎? Have Fun Do Good 可能給你一個開始,給力!

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