Friday, January 28, 2011

All Around You.....

Inspirations are all around us, we only need to open our eyes, our ears, and our heart
Take Tony for an example, all of the "Lost and Found" talked to him, and he use his heart to translate the messages into something that more people can understand, and here comes something lots of people Love and in between these creations, we get it, and be inspire.

藝術家Toby Atticus Fraley 創造有趣的機械人公司仔,全是用路上拾遺的雜物碎件組成,舊車牌啦,吸塵機啦, 舊汽车零件啦, 什麼都有,每個差不多3 至4 呎高,很Rock, 很摇滚,又充滿運動感的 "Industrial Pop Art", 還可以亮燈呢! 機械人太有型,吸引了很多買家,包括有搖滾樂手,高科技公司老闆及電視廣播公司,這個的確是廢物變寶物的好例子哩!(On Weibo)

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