Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love Gloves 潮人潮襪

How many "Romance" start with a mismatch, and when you take a second look, isn't it a match also?
This bright idea only makes life so much more interesting and pretty, and spark a whole new ideal and explanations about the exciting world we are living in. Save the gloves, save the planet earth, save the romance.

At Green Thing, a U.K.-based not-for-profit, has set up a matchmaking service for lovelorn mitts, to rescues singleton gloves, click on Image for more details

本是孤單寂寞的,在茫茫人海中相遇,截然不同的两個,卻能相伴,互相配合,相伴在一起更精彩。這個浪漫理想在英國的"Green Thing" 協會裡用所有他們可以搜集的"單吊西" 手襪實现了,配起來還很 "Funky", 很潮呢! 每一對手襪都悉心配搭及整理,像新一樣,只賣五英鎊,夠潮又環保!(Also posted on Weibo network )

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